Dear Sierra…My Wonderful Wife,
I wanted to take some time to share some feelings with you. I was in the bedroom cleaning up and I started thinking about my birthday coming up this weekend. I thought about how me being born made it possible for us to get married, and how happy that has made you. Well it got me thinking of how happy we are together. Right now you are at the college working on a dance routine for a show so it’s giving me an opportunity to think and reflect being here at home without you. I feel so very pleased to have such an awesome women in my life. Even more than that, I have been so blessed with such a wonderful daughter of God!! You truly are My Angel(I don’t mean to sound too corny, but for real)!!! You have become my absolute best friend in the whole world. You help define what makes me a good guy because your happiness in life in many ways I guess, reflects the decent job I am doing as your husband. You make me stronger. The way you care about me, and look out for me, helps me to better look out for myself. You are so selfless with your love. You are always so concerned for me and always hope im doing well…Really, you just want the best for me!!!
I know at times you feel over looked by others, but trust me if that is the case unfortunately they are missing out on a great amazing friendship with a truly amazing women. Even though there are many goals I want to accomplish, and things I want to experience, my greatest hope and most fulfilling Goal will eternally on going…and that is to make you Happy!!!! I plead for your forgiveness in times when I fall short or I let you down as a man, spouse, and companion. The best part about having you as my wife is that I know and can feel your forgiveness for things I have not even done yet. You care so much about us and our bond as man ands wife that you always let me know how sorry you are for things, even when I may be more at fault. That bond and the happiness it brings is also what causes me to admit when I do wrong. Writing my feelings at this time, is a little bit of a challenge in a way because it’s tough to find ways to verbally express how I feel about you. My feelings run so deep. As I picture your face in my mind, I see that Beautiful smile of yours!! Man does that visual make me happy. As I think about us having our own children together I get real excited and anxious, knowing that even though it wont be an easy task, for some reason I know we will make it the most enjoyable experience of our lives. I cannot imagine even for a minute anyone being more suited and loving to be the Mother of my children. You just have so much love in your heart.
I just want to hold you, and kiss you, and just tell you how much you mean to me!! I just want you to smile everyday, and know in your heart and mind that I love you with all my heart. Im sorry for the times, when I act more like a man that your loving husband, but that’s just part of my imperfection as a human being, and part of my learning experience here on Earth.
Baby thank you!!! Thank You for all of your support and all of your love!!! You truly do make me the happiest man in the World!!!!
Sean, Your Husband
I came home from being out, and Sean had wrote this for me on the computer. Then he wanted to blog about it. He is such a good man! Thanks babe!
That is the freakin cutest thing EVER! Sean.....go ahead and give my hubby some pointers! :) Oh Sierra, what a guy. You two are so dang cute. Thank goodness for the Atonement in our lives eh! Love ya
Seriously guys, that's way too mushy, there are some desensitized housewives (at least one that I know, LOL) who has to read this. :)
Sierra, you should put some excerpts from this into your new photo book. That would be very cute for your kids to read you some day.
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