Thursday, June 25, 2009

My husband: The Rapper

Sean has been in a music group for about 3 years. It took them some time to get their first CD finished....but they did it!! Patience + Time = great music! Sean's group "Color Free", is a hip hop group that makes not just great beats, but their music has good, clean lyrics. They want all genres of people to feel positivity when they hear their music. They have already had a few shows and a guy asked to do a documentary on them for youtube. Here is their video from youtube. The song playing in the back ground is one of their songs as well. Look for Color Free in the future and don't forget to buy their CD when it comes out!! =)

My husband is so talented and I am so proud of him!


Tara said...

wow, that is great!!

Lindsey Dunn said...

Love it! Tell illistrate that is epic! haha! Spud told me that is the cool thing kids say now. Anyways I added you to my blog hope ya don't mind!

Jake & Rachel said...

awesome!! Way to go Sean, I will totally buy the cd when it comes out and tell all my friends. I wish them much success!