Sean and I had our 1st wedding anniversary on November 2nd. And since we are getting sealed this Saturday, November 22nd, I figured I better give an update on what happened on our anniversary. We left Friday, Halloween, to go stay with our friends Kenny and Laura, who live in Baldwin Park. We hung out and went out to eat and watched movies. It's always fun going and seeing them. We stayed there will Sunday, Nov. 2nd, and went to Newport Beach and checked into the Hyatt Regency. Ok...i will confess. We were very bad and went on Sunday. BUT!! Our anniversary isn't on a weekend again until our 5th anniversary, so we figure the Lord will forgive us! We took Monday off from work and went out to eat and just drove on the beautiful Pasific Coast Highway. It was just so lovely to get some time with my wonderful husband. When Sean and I started to get really get serious, I felt really inspired to write him a poem. I wanted to share that poem with you since we just celebrated out one year.
"When I thought all was lost.
I was so blind , I could not see
that my heart was falling to pieces.
My heart had lost it's key.
I would cry on the inside.
And smile on the out.
But that crying on the inside,
began to scream and started to shout.
I had almost given up,
then "he" came in my life.
He bagan to heal my bleeding heart.
He began to take away my strife.
He gently took the blindfold off,
that had been covering my eyes for so long.
He knew all the mistakes I'd made,
But never once did he tell me I was wrong.
Next he placed a band aide
over my bleeing heart.
And though the bleeing may never stop.
He has helped the healing start.
Heavenly Father knew I was down,
And my Angel couldn't be by my side.
The Angel I carried for nine months
was on a completely different ride.
And so He sent me you.
To take the other palce.
He knew who much I needed you
in lifes crazy race.
So thank you for being "new" Angel.
My new Angel from above.
Thank you for helping me see
that I am worth the greatest love."
As most people know, I am a birthmom to a BEAUTIFUL little boy. I met Sean at the end of my pregnancy. We started dating 2 months after I had him. He would hold me when I would cry and let me talk about him as much as possible. He even propsed to me on my birth sons first birthday. My birthson was my first Angel and now Sean is my new Angel. He helped me get through the most difficult time to my life. And he did it with kindness and love. I am so happy to be married to such an amazing man and I can't wait to have him forever on Saturday!
***sorry for all the mushiness about Sean. It's just that it's his bday and our anniversary within 2 weeks and he is just so darn wonderful so i can't help but brag!!