Saturday, February 6, 2010


So whoever keeps posting weird comments under anonymous on my blog, you have now been blocked. No more anonymous comments. I don't mind keeping my blog open for blog stalking and adoption information. But I do mind when people leave degrading or weird comments. This is NOT a political, educational, business, blog. It's MY personal blog! I don't mind sharing my experiences with people, but because of all the weird comments I've been getting, I now have taken my nieces and nephews off my blog. One day I will make it private, but today is not the day. SOOOO...that being said, I don't mind strangers reading my blog because they find some information interesting, but no more weird comments. It's freaking me out!


Olia said...

Darn right! Keep all your weird thoughts for your personal journals, I can sign under that!

Tara said...

good for you! That is creepy...

Liv225 said...

that's the way to go! if you have nothing pertinent to say, might as well keep it to yourself!

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking about going private once my lil man arrives...there are WAY too many wierdos out there! I'm sorry you've encountered one!!!

The Tomlinsons said...