Happy Belated Birthday to my mother in law Pam (her birthday is Valentines Day)! You have been a great mommy in law to me and I look forward to many MANY more year with you.
And Happy Belated Valenitnes Day. I'm so blessed to have Sean as a husband. This year was the worst Valenitnes yet. Are you confused yet? I have the best husband, yet I had the worst Valentines Day? This is pretty personal and I wasn't going to share, but maybe my story can help someone else.
Sean and I have suffered another miscarriage. This one was earlier then the last one, but still emotionally painful. I started bleeding at church, so Sean took me to Urgent Care, which was horrilbe( we were there for 5 hours). But despite being the worst Valentines ever, I have the best husband who loves me more then anything and is so wonderful and supportive. We are trying to have faith that our time will come soon. And we are hoping for a better Valentines Day next year.

Oh Sierra I am so so sorry! I wish I could just come over and hug you.
Sierra, I am so sad that you had to go through that. But I am glad you have Sean. Love ya.
Sierra, I am so sorry! I wish I could do something to help! Having a miscarriage is the worst ever.
I am so sorry for your loss. That is so horrible. Who is your dr?
Thanks for all the love and support. Sean and I really appreciate it.
Nicole, my doctor is Dr. Baker at Dr. Kurians office. She has been really good to me over the years.
I am really sorry to hear that. You are so strong, Thoughts and prayers are with you.
I'm sorry to hear that Sierra. That must have been hard but you are so blessed to have Sean by your side. Your time will come. Keep having faith... you are such a great example to me.
I'm so sorry. Experience has taught me that "earlier" doesn't mean that it hurts any less. You're in my prayers and I hope that you feel peace and comfort during this time.
Oh Sierra, I know your pain. You know I had two miscarriages last year and it's hard. I'm so sorry and I wish I was there to hug you and bring you chocolate! That seemed to make me feel a little better.
So very sorry Sierra and Sean. You two show such faith...a blessing for others to witness. You're in our prayers.
I am so sorry Sierra! I miscarried at about 6 weeks last June. I was fortunate enough to get pregnant again about 2 months later but it doesn't make it any easier. I still think about that baby every day. Keep faith! God will bless you when you least expect it! Keeping you and Sean in my prayers.
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