First off, Happy Mothers Day to all the mommy's! Second, Happy Birth Mothers Day too..(which was yesterday).
Birth Mothers Day is always the Saturday before mothers day. Many people have asked me why we just don't celebrate on mothers day with all the other mothers. Well, we (birth mothers), feel like mothers. We carried and delivered our babies, and we sacrificed for them. Something any good mother would do. But, we need our own day. Not because we feel that we are better then the rest of the mothers. It's because we are a different kind of mother. I personally feel that today, my birth sons adoptive mother should be celebrated. Today is her day. Yesterday was my day.
Being a birth mom is not something that I expected in my life. But it happened. As hard as it's been, and as many tears as I've cried, I'm grateful that it did happen. I now know the true meaning of being selfless. I never in my right mind would have ever thought that I could give someone else my little baby that I loved so much. But I did, and it was for him, not me. I never thought that I was strong enough to do something so hard. Now, I feel like I can take on anything. I never thought that I could love someone so much through pictures and letters, but every time I get a picture of my birth son, I fall in love with him even more. I am so grateful to be a birth mom. I am grateful to my birth sons wonderful parents who have been so good to me, have never forgotten about me and love him more then anything. I am so grateful to our Heavenly Father and Savior for not only getting me through the turmoil, but also for the atonement. Repentance is real and our Savior truly knows how we feel. So, every Saturday before mothers day, always remember that it's birth mothers day. If you were adopted, or know someone that was, or know a birth mother yourself, don't forget that wonderful woman who sacrificed and gave another couple such a wonderful gift. Because without birth moms, some mothers would not have a mothers day.
Thanks Sierra. That made me cry. Love you.
Wonderfully written. I agree birth moms give the greatest gift to families not able, you are so lucky to have such great adoptive parents for your son. I hope that the woman that takes care of my sweet Vayden in heaven will find ways to sprinkle his memory for me to enjoy.
I am so glad we got in contact! That is a wonderful thing to do with your birth child! Hope you had a great day!
Very Special! You have a very special view on life and its challenges. I always enjoy hearing your thoughts and views. You are a great lady.
I thought about you today and was going to tell you Happy Mother's Day because in my eyes you are a mom and I thought today might have been hard for you. I am so amazed that you are so strong! I don't know if I could do what you did. So I guess I should wish you a Happy Belated Birth Mother's Day. I really liked this post. Thanks for sharing your feelings. <3
(Sorry I didn't get the chance to come and talk to you today... it's kinda hard to during Primary lol)
You are so right Sierra! I agree with everything you said, 100%!
You are a wonderful person and that lil man is very lucky for the choice that you made. I know you love him very much!
I could not have said it better!! You are a wonderful, strong woman!! I am so grateful to have you in my life now. There was not a day when I didn't think about you and now we have this awesome relationship!!! I love you very much.
Happy belated Birth Mom day Sierra! This was a beautiful post and you really should feel strong and supported. You did the most selfless thing I could imagine. I was thinking about you too on Mother's day because I have friends who have adopted and sacrifices similar to yours have enriched their lives in ways you can't imagine. Thank you for your sacrifice, I love you!
It must be so hard for you to be around all the little babies in your life and not beable to have one with you all the time. Every time I see you I also know you as a mother. You don't get to hold your baby all the time like everyone else because you've shared him with another family. You'll have another one in your arms very soon. You've come so far and you are being prepared for what lies ahead of you. When the time is right who knows....maybe you'll get twins, triplets, who knows! Whatever it is it'll be just right for you. Love, Gayle
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