Saturday, November 29, 2008

Going to the temple....

So, Sean and I got sealed on November 22nd, 2008 at 11:30 in the morning! It was a beautiful ceremony! The spirit was so strong. And I am so happy that our close friends and family could have been there. The funny thing was, a lot of people told me they were going to be at the sealing, and then they didn't end up coming. Sean and I both have had quit a few close loved ones pass on. I have a feeling all the empty chairs were filled by the spirits of our loved ones. After the sealing, we had a lovely but small open house and quite a few people showed up. We felted truly loved! We had pictures taken at the temple and as soon as we get them, I will post some!


The Everts said...

I really wanted to make it, but Caleb has gotten really sick and he isn't suppost to go out anywhere. He's had to have breathing treatments n all. I REALLY wanted to go.. I'm so sorry!

Jake & Rachel said...

It WAS beautiful! You were the most beautiful bride I saw that day!! I know I haven't been around for much in the past so many years, but I was so happy I got to be at your sealing, the spirit was so strong and it was such a good experience. I wish I could do it again and again myself :) Congrats again Sean and Sierra

The Tomlinsons said...

It was so beautiful. I wish I could have been inside with you guys. Rob said it was really nice. Thanks for letting us be apart of that special day.