Thursday, December 16, 2010

Happy Due Date To Me!!!

So, today is my official due date! I am actually in shock that I made it to my due date because the theory is with a second child, you go sooner. Well, not me apparently. But I'm perfectly fine with that. I want her to stay as long as she needs to be perfectly healthy. And this little girl let me finish my classes and daddy and grandma (my mom) both go on Christmas break tomorrow from work, so perfect timing. But Sean took tomorrow off JUST in case!

I went in for an appointment today. I'm 4 cm dilated. WHAT?? Thats so crazy. With "C" I was in actual labor when I was 4. But my water broke with him too. So, this experience is way different. I had my membranes stripped today. Now, I've heard some say it's painful and others say it's not. Well I have a pretty high pain tolerance and let me tell HURTS! Holy crap! But once it's done, it's done and the pain is gone. My doc said she always feels bad doing it because she knows how bad it is and she said she can almost feel the pain with the patient. Stripping the membranes is when the seperate your bag of water from your uterus. It's a natural way to start labor. IF it works, I should go into labor within 24 hours. Like I said....IF! I've been telling a lot of people that I was going to get this done and they just assumed I was going to be in the hospital right after I had it done. Nope. Some women, it never works for. So we are keeping our fingers crossed that it does work. If this little girl decides to stay put a little longer, I have an induction date set for the 23rd. BUT....we are hoping it doesn't come to that and she'll show up sooner.

I've been having some pretty strong contractions since my appointment. They are irregular but I'm hoping they will get some sort of pattern soon. I must say that just having your water break is much easier and I kinda wish that would just happen again. But keep us in your thoughts and prayers that we will have our little baby in our arms in the next 24 hours!


The Everts said...

How exciting!! My water broke naturally with Ethan and it was such a relief when it did! BUT, I only got to a 3 after that. I am keeping you 3 in our prayers and am so excited for you! I hope everything goes well and she makes her grand entrance into the world soon.

With both my boys, I sang to them the moment I got them in my arms. I sang "I am a Child of God" and it's been such a sweet thing I've always cherished. You should sing to her too!! :)

Claudia said...

Yay, exciting news! I hope everything goes smoothly w/ur labor & delivery. Best of luck & I can't wait to see pictures!

Naomi and Family said...

Seriously, so exciting!! I can't wait!! You two are so awesome! I know I'm weird, but I SERIOUSLY hope and pray you don't have to get induced! Do what good things you can so you don't have to go through that junk! Please forgive me, you do what you want! :) So excited for you! Can't wait to see pictures and hear all about it! I had my membranes stripped with Ethan and it seemed to help me. I'm crossing my fingers for ya! P.S. Sorry it hurt so bad!

A Life Being Lived said...

I am so excited for you and Sean!! Can't wait to see pics of the little miss. Congratulations and all the best for a good delivery!

Tara said...

good luck!!

Stephanie said...

I just keep waiting and waitingl this is killing me.

Julie said...

good luck! hope your sweet baby girl comes soon!

The Tomlinsons said...

Good luck!!! She'll be here before you know it, and what a perfect Christmas gift! Can't wait to see her!