As mentioned in my last post, I had my membranes stripped on Thursday the 16th, my due date. By the next day, I had kinda given up hope that it worked. It caused some strong contractions, but they had no pattern. So, I just decided to be patient and let it be. That same day, the 17th, Sean and I decided to have a movie night and junk food night. We watched 2 movies, watched 2 CSI's, and ate donuts, popcorn, red vines, fruit snakes. It was quite the evening!! So, we went to bed kinda late, at about 12:30. At 2:30, I woke up to go the bathroom. I noticed that I was having contractions, but I had been getting them a lot at night the past few weeks, so I thought nothing of it and decided to go back to bed. At 3:30, I woke up to use the bathroom again. This time when I got back into bed, I noticed they were stronger, so I decided to time them. My way of timing them would be to look at the clock when one started, fall back asleep when it was over and wake up and look at the clock when one started again. A little after 4, I realized that I had had about 3-4 really strong contractions that were 10 minutes apart. I was suppose to go in at 10 minutes because my first labor with "C" was only 7 hours, so they said this one would be fast. So, I finally decided to wake up Sean. We got up and got dressed and got our things together and I called my mom. We arrived at the hospital at about 4:45.
I got into triage and they started all their procedure stuff, which in my opinion takes way too long. When they finally checked me, I was an 8!! Whoa....I really wasn't expecting that. They asked me if I wanted an epidural. I said yes, then the nurse was like, "You don't need one, you are doing so good." Probably because I was actually talking a lot and not screaming! ha ha. But I was in the transition phase of labor because I started to shake a lot and almost threw up. Finally it was time to move me to delivery.
When we got to the delivery room, I asked for the epidural, so they had to check me again. Well, I only had a rim left, so basically I was a 10. So no epidural. At this point I didn't care. I was already in my own little world and I think my body was just ready to do what it needed to do. They waited for the rim to disappear, which wasn't long and then it was time to push. I did really well up until her head started to come out and then I almost lost it. But one of my awesome doctors, Dr. Baker, gave me a little pep talk. She said,"Sierra stop and look at me. Don't lose it now. You are doing great. The heads right here. Use the pain to push through." Thats all I needed and I got myself together and she was out with just another push and came into the world at 6:27 am! At first all I felt was relief. I almost forgot that I had just had a baby! And apparently my mom said Dr. Baker complimented me on how well I did, but I was so out of it that it took for them to hand me Brielle for me to come back to earth. But when they handed her to me, my heart melted!
The first day was an exhausted blur. Here I am, with only 3 hours of sleep, giving birth and still trying to entertain visitors. We did not sleep at all that first day. And any one who has given birth knows they don't let you sleep in the hospital, so we got outta there the next day.
We love having our little girl. Sean and I are both really in awe of her! We truly feel the blessings of our Heavenly Father in our lives! She is that sweet spirit we were waiting for and we can't wait to continue our journey as her parents!
Just a few pictures from the hospital. Trust me...there will be many more in the future!