Saturday, October 30, 2010
Shower Me!!
Blogger is being really dumb and is only letting me upload 5 pictures. So, here are a few from my shower that I had a week ago, Oct. 23rd. Sean and I both felt so loved! We had about 60-70 people come. So, it was jam packed, but wonderful. We did get a lot of pictures, but I was also bummed that I didn't get more pictures with people, or the food, which was AMAZING!! We can't wait to get this little girl here and let her use all the wonderful things she got!
The room where everyone ate.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
RIP Boss
I know this may seem like a silly post, but since this is my online journal, I want to blog about it.
Our beloved dog Boss died this afternoon. Like most dogs, he was a part of the family and it has not been easy. Boss has been going down hill for some time. He would have been 11 years old on Sunday. Which for a Bull Mastiff is WAY above their life expectancy. So, I do know that he had a very good life. Last week, we thought we were going to have to put him down, but he bounced back. But after his episode last week, I knew the end was coming fast. Sunday, he stopped eating and drinking and Monday night and last night, he kept Sean and I up by crying, which he never does. He has always been so brave, so hearing him cry broke our hearts. So we knew it was time.
At first I didn't want to be in the room, but decided to at the last minute. I'm glad I did. I was right there with him when he took his last breath and that gives me comfort to know that I was the last one he saw. I love this dog so much and I have so many wonderful memories of him. And I know that I will see him again.
RIP Boss
Oct. 10th 1999-Oct. 6th 2010
Sean and I always loved a good photo shoot with Boss. Even the silly ones.
I LOVED when Boss would put his belly up to be scratched!
He had this thing with his was always sticking out...even till his last breath...he had that thing hanging out.
He took good care of my dad during all his surgeries...and my dad returned the favor with a belly rub.
He was always looking for attention. And we always gave it to him.
Yes thats Boss IN BED with Sean! HAHA. Back when he could still jump up that high.
Sean and Boss being silly.
Boss HATED the rain and snow. But on this snow day, we left the front door open, and he ran right out into it.

Boss was ALWAYS trying to be in my pictures! The one with me pregnant was taken just this last Friday.
Boss and his homie Sean.
There is that tongue again!!
He actually learned how to come in and out of our little doggie door!! Boss is HUGE and it looked like he would never fit, but somehow he made himself fit!
A week ago when we knew that his life was coming to an end.
This was taken today at the vets office. I'm so glad I was there to be with him in his final moments.
Our beloved dog Boss died this afternoon. Like most dogs, he was a part of the family and it has not been easy. Boss has been going down hill for some time. He would have been 11 years old on Sunday. Which for a Bull Mastiff is WAY above their life expectancy. So, I do know that he had a very good life. Last week, we thought we were going to have to put him down, but he bounced back. But after his episode last week, I knew the end was coming fast. Sunday, he stopped eating and drinking and Monday night and last night, he kept Sean and I up by crying, which he never does. He has always been so brave, so hearing him cry broke our hearts. So we knew it was time.
At first I didn't want to be in the room, but decided to at the last minute. I'm glad I did. I was right there with him when he took his last breath and that gives me comfort to know that I was the last one he saw. I love this dog so much and I have so many wonderful memories of him. And I know that I will see him again.

Sunday, October 3, 2010
The Countdown Begins!
This last Wednesday, I reached 28 weeks, which is the beginning of the 3 trimester. I can hardly believe it. This pregnancy is going by WAY too fast! This little girl is super active but never wants to move for anyone but me. Sean has just barely started to really see and feel her make big movements. I wasn't feeling very good for awhile, which was my thyroid and my doc bumped up my meds, but I'm still feeling I'm wondering if I need a higher dose of my thyroid meds again. Other then that, we are super excited to start the countdown to meet our little girl! I'm getting a little sad that it's the last stage of pregnancy because I've really enjoyed bonding with her. BUT...I can't wait to see her gorgeous face!
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