Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Happy birthday to the boy that changed my life..

4 years ago today, I gave birth to my birth son. Could 4 years have really already passed? It seems quite impossible, but it's not. I look how my life has changed and grown in the last 4 years and I am astonished. Last night I was talking to Sean about my little guy and as we were talking, it hit me. Even though I was not living my life how I should of, if I could go back in time, I would not change a thing. Does that seem crazy?? Crazy to put myself through that all over again? Am I a masochist?

To answer all of those questions; No

The reason I would do it all again, pain and all, is because it changed my life. For the better. I learned to be unselfish. I learned the type of love the Savior has for us, pure. I learned the true meaning of the atonement because I actually got to truly use it. I learned that no matter what life throws at me, I can handle it because I have already dealt with the greatest type of pain. I learned that I will be a great mother, because I was able to give my "first" child the best, even though I couldn't give it to him. At the time of placement, all a birth mothers reasoning for doing what she is doing points to the child. Most of us do it for them, not ourselves. But as time passes, the lessons that you learn and the blessings you receive are unmistakable. I am so grateful to this little boy. I'm glad he chose me as his vessel to get to earth. He really did help change my life. I never thought something so small, such as a newborn baby, could have such an impact.

So, happy birthday to the sweetest little boy on the face of the earth. You don't know this now, but you changed my life. You don't remember this, but the day you were born, there were angels around us. Angels helping comfort me and angels getting you to your family. You are very special. NEVER forget that. The feelings I felt 4 years ago are indescribable and they are so sacred and special to me. I love you little guy.

The first time they placed in him my arms. The spirit that was felt at that time was undescribable. The angels must have already been among us.


Creel Family said...

Happy Birthday to him! I loved this post! Please take care of Michael while I'm in Utah...lol : )

The Tomlinsons said...

Happy Birthday to him, I am sure he will celebrate his birthday in years to come and with a special love for you.

Stephanie said...

Happy Birthday lil guy. Sorry I missed this post yesterday, I was on the road. You're such an amazing mommy.

Pip said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! I am so excited for you guys! I haven't checked the blogs in forever and Laura just told me the big news yesterday! Congrats Sierra!!! It will be the best Christmas present ever!