We don't have any genital shots because she literally only let us look for a second before she stuck her foot back in her crotch. But we are thrilled! I had a feeling it was a girl. Sean thought it was a boy until the doctor told us we were going to find out the sex the next day. He said he immediately thought, we are going to have a girl. The spotting turned out to be nothing. Just one of those things. So, we found out Friday and decided to have a "sex reveal bbq" on Sunday. This was very hard on my mom to have to wait 2 whole days! But I decided that you never know whats gong to happen in life, so you need to make the most of it. I wanted to celebrate this baby because we have waited so long for her. Our bbq was a success and really fun. We had everyone guess what they thought the baby was. It was a dead even. We had a cake that was pink, so when we cut it and turned around, everyone knew it was a girl.

We probably won't have another one of these because my mom about had an anxiety attack. I just think that Sean and I will have to go out and celebrate on our own next time.
SO excited for you two! Your going to love having a little girl...especially when she decides she likes Spiderman instead of Princesses like my 2 year old! LoL :)
Praying for a continued healthy pregnancy for you!
Party was a really great idea and a lot of fun! I love idea of having A NIECE, my girls and her are going to be so close growing up together!
congrats! She really does have a beautiful profile!
How fun. I'm so happy for you two I always felt you were having a girl and then when I saw that pic of you at 16 wks I was like OMG she's having a girl for sure. lol. Can't wait til she's here.
Woot woot! Yay for lil girls. She will be absolutely DARLING!!!!
Seriously, that has to be the cutest things I have ever heard! Great idea! Mind if we steal it?.......
Congratulations! Love you guys! She is so perfect!
So cute! Sierra you are so beautiful
Congrats Sierra & Sean on the little girl! I have a feeling she will be very dolled up and beautiful! :)
I really love that idea that you guys had of cutting the cake to reveal the gender to everyone. Awesome!! Congratulations on having a GIRL! You look great!
Congrats! You'll luv dressing her up, I have 2....girls keep u very busy.
Hurray for a baby girl! Congrats!
So cute as well as everyone else I am going to have to steal the cake idea! And congrats on the little girl!
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