Friday, June 11, 2010

My last post was about Color Free and once again, I'm going to be the proud wife. Sean and his group did AMAZING at their show at the Key Club!!! I was SHOCKED!!! I've seen them perform at little things, but never like that. It was as if Sean was a different person. Which he is...he's iLLi on stage. I was so proud! Well, Color Free has 2 more shows coming up. One on June 13th at the Zanzibar in Hollywood. I will not be able to attend that one. Their next show is June 18th at the House of Blues in Hollywood and that show is FREE!!! Yes I said FREE!!! So, you all better be there!! Can' beat a free show!! Come see how amazing Sean is on stage!

And here is my hot rapper husband iLLi (aka Sean)

1 comment:

Shawnanana said...

Hey Sierra, I decided to check out your blog. I'm sorry to hear all that you've been going through this year but at the same time I love your attitude and added faith. You are inspirtional! I know that everything will work out for ya and is... stay on your faithful track! luv ya!