When did you find out you were pregnant? April 17th. I only took a test because the day before, I got a massage and when I layed down on the table, my ta-tas were KILLING me! A light bulb went off in my head at that moment.
Whats your due date? December 22nd. I always vowed I'd never have a Christmas baby. But now with everything I've experienced, I can't think of a better Christmas gift!
Morning sickness? OH YEA!! It kicked in early at 5 weeks and lasted till 12. It had my couch ridden for many afternoons. It got really bad at the end, around 10 weeks and literally disappeared at 12. Although I still get nauseous when I'm really hungry.
Weight gained? 3 lbs. I'm trying really hard to not gain 1 million lbs but it was hard those first weeks being so sick to wanna get up, let alone excerise.
Hows the fatigue? It's good that I'm not sleeping for 12 hours anymore, but I'm still pretty tired.
Felt the baby move? I thought I felt "fluttering" the other day, but I wasn't sure. I felt my birth son at 16 weeks, so I'm expecting to feel this one soon.
Maternity clothes yet? Nope!! I can still wear my regular jeans. I don't look pregnant. Just thicker in the waist. Pregnancy is when I'm very grateful to have wide hips. The baby has lots of room in there!
I'm still peeing every 2 seconds and cry over silly things, but it's so great! I have now had 2 ultrasounds and heard the heart beat twice! I feel extrememly blessed!This pregnancy has been different then my first one, which I will probably blog about later, but it's such an amazing experience. I'm really trying to enjoy every second because I don't want to miss out on anything. Sean has been do great too. He did everything around the house when I was so sick and never complained. And he was always checking to see if I needed anything. Like when he went looking for chicken noodle soup for me at 11 pm!
And speaking of Sean, he gave me an early birthday present. 2 months early, but I don't care. He got me an SLR camera!! My first camera with a lens! I'm so excited to start really using it!