I haven't posted in awhile. I know. I am so bad! Life just gets busy and I forget! But I wanted to update people on a few things. First off.....I'm going to be an aunt again!! My sister in law Olia is 8 weeks pregnant with #2!! Tom and Olia were trying for #2 but they didn't think it would happen this fast! But its all good, because they will be moving into their new house sometime in November!
Ben moved back to Lancaster from New Mexico! Its nice having him back. His girlfriend Mary came with him. She is a very nice and sweet girl and we are trying to make her feel welcomed.
I am in the process of trying to get back into Utah State to finish school. I can finish online (which is so great!). I have to talk to a few more people and then I'm back in and ready to start learning. I only need 35 more credits to be done. I thought I needed more, so I was very pleased to find out it was only 35!
Last and not least...Sean and I set our date to get sealed in the Los Angeles Temple!!!! Due to family things, we can't do it till November 22nd. But that ok, because we were married on November 2nd, so we'll just keep the 2 thing going!! =) I plan to go take out my endowments in Saint George Temple on October 25th. We were going to do it on November 15th, but after some discussion with our bishop, we thought it better if we do it a little earlier. We are so excited to finally be sealed. Knowing that I have my dear husband for time and all eternity will bring such peace to my heart. I love him so much and our marriage just keeps getting better and better and we are getting closer and closer. I can't wait to make that love eternal!