It's been some time since I posted, so I am posting a lot of pictures! Just to show what we have been up to. Elden came out for a week to visit, but he left yesterday. It was really fun to see him. Olias birthday was Sunday and mine is this coming Saturday (Aug. 30th). I'll be 25! I still can't believe it! Sean and I started taking the temple prep class last week! It's so interesting and fun to take it with other couples! We are not exactly sure when we will be going, but we will keep you updated!
Nina with crazy hair!
Beautiful flowers that Sean surprised me at work with!
Me and my gorgeous hubby!
Me, and Kristal and her cousin. Her cousin is a bride to be and getting married on my bday!
Nina trying to kill a chick at the fair! haha
hehe...silly girls!
Sean, me, Ohre (seans brother) and Jackie (Ohres girlfriend)
Some of the family!