So, I've obviously take a very long hiatus from blogging. I have a few good excuses, I promise! Right after I posted my last entry about "C"s fifth birthday, someone I know, but wouldn't even call them an acquaintance, somehow found my blog, which is not hard to do, and then put nasty things about me and my experience on Facebook. Needless to say, I will be blogging about that!! I decided I needed a break from blogging after that incident.
Then after that, I had a really intense 5 week math class.
Then it was the Holidays and Brielle's 1st birthday.
Then I got bronchitis.
Then we got in a bad car accident, which I'm still recovering from.
"PHEW", that's a lot of stuff and it makes me tired just thinking about all that's happened.
So, please stay tuned. I really want to get back into blogging. I hope my hiatus hasn't scared you all away! But check back soon.......