Sean's group, Color Free is having their first BIG performance tonight. They have performed but not at this level. They are playing at The Key Club tonight in Hollywood. They are opening for Grammy nominated R&B singer Jon B. I'm SOOO proud of him and his fellow group members. They have worked so hard to get where they are at. And we have both sacrificed a lot of time away from each other so he could pursue this dream. So good luck Color Free......and lets rock out tonight!!
Happy Mothers Day to my own beautiful mother. When I was a little girl, like 3 maybe? My mom would ask me who my best friend was, and I would say, "My mommy". She is still my best friend. We had a rough patch in high school, but what mother/daughter duo doesn't? When I had an unplanned pregnancy, instead of yelling at me, my mother was full of compassion and support. We have only grown closer and I am so grateful for the many lessons she has taught me.
Happy Mothers Day to my mother in law Pam! She raised an amazing son, who turned into a wonderful husband. She taught Sean to always respect and love women, and Sean is such a gentleman. She has welcomed me into the family with open arms and I love her dearly.
Happy Mothers Day to my birth mom Emily! Emily is a birth mom and a mother to my biological half brother James. She gave the ultimate sacrifice for me. We have a wonderful relationship now and I'm so grateful that she is a part of me life. Love you Emily!
And last but not least, Happy Mothers Day to my births sons mom, Mrs S. Mrs S is truly amazing. She is so thoughtful of me and is everything I wanted in a mother for my little guy. She is a great example to me and I truly feel as though we are eternally connected.
I hope all the other mommies and mommies to be have a beautiful day. And to the women that have not had the chance to be a mommy yet, you are a great influence in the lives of everyone around you and you too are a wonderful woman!
This post is going to sound like i'm tooting my own horn, but hey, once a year, I feel I have the right to do that.
Today is birth mothers day. It falls the Saturday before mothers day every year. I think it's quite appropriate that it's the day before mothers day. Because we were the first mothers of our birth children and because of us, our birth childrens mothers get a mothers day.
As my birth son gets older, the decision I made for him because more right every day. When I get pictures of this little boy, all I see is love and happiness. Of course I could have given him love and happiness...but I could not give him an eternal family....or a father....or a stable life. I remember when I was pregnant, when I was still planning on parenting him, I had this strong feeling that he was incredibly special and came to this earth to achieve wonderful things. Of course he could have reached his potential with me raising him, but why take that chance. He COULD reach his potential with me parenting. I wanted...he WILL reach his potential. And I know he will with his family.
Heres where I begin to toot my own horn.....there is a gospel's called "Everything to Me" by Mark Schultz. He is an adoptee who wrote a song about his birth mother. In the song, he talks about how his birth mother gave him everything. I like to feel thats what my birth mother did for me and what I did for my birth son. Everything I have in my life, is because of what Emily did for me. Everything my birth son has, is because the decision I made for him. That gives me great joy.
Birth moms are special. So if you know one, celebrate her. She deserves it!! If you are a fellow birth mom...celebrate yourself.
Here is the "Everything to Me" music video. This first video is the story behind the song.